Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cory Booker: The 2012 Benedict Arnold

Cory Booker=2012 Benedict Arnold! Mayor Cory Booker was recently a guest on "Meet the Press." We all (meaning all well meaning Democrats) proudly watched as an Obama surrogate eloquently raised the Obama 2012 banner higher. Until, Booker did the unthinkable. Booker spoke plainly against Obama's policy towards the use of private equity and to add insult to injury Booker called Obama's economic policy "nauseating." What an unfortunate choice of words and poor avenue to air his differences with President Obama. I watched in awe scratching my head over and over again. I like most left-leaning Democrats wondered aloud, "Who booked Cory Booker?" Honestly, who vetted this man? How could any reasonably minded person hand-pick Cory Booker as an Obama surrogate when his views differ so greatly from the President. Indeed this mishap is "nauseating." Booker hand wrapped the sound byte that Fox News will recycle from now on until Baby Jesus returns! Cory Booker has succeeded in complicating a political hot topic that could ultimately have a detrimental effect on Obama's reelection. Why would a man billed as an Obama surrogate go on national television and proceed to throw his economic policy under the bus? Well, I'm glad that you ask it probably has something to do with the fact that the Bain Financial Industry gave over $565,000 to his 2002 bid for election...The plot thickens. Only God and David Axelrod know how this situation will resolve itself.

Watch the clip below! Please share your thoughts and ideas about Mayor Cory Booker and his perspective.

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