Saturday, May 19, 2012

Embracing Our Curves

Women need not strive to be perfect or stick thin. Real women have imperfections and curves, embrace them. “Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming ‘WOO-HOO! What a ride!’ – Anonymous

I agree whole-heartedly with the sentiments of the quote listed above. I cringe when I turn the pages in fashion magazines because the women who are featured often present an image that is unrealistic and nearly unattainable for the average women.  These women have long flowing hair perfectly styled to fit their fashion, impeccable make-up, flawless skin, superb bone structure and bodies so divine that they would be envied by the Gods.  Of course, young women aren’t readily told that these types of illusions are created by world class teams of beauty professionals. 

We have to also address the impressive use of photo shop and other photo enhancing programs. Facial blemishes, stretch marks, dark spots, cellulite and any other flaw that one could imagine are often removed from these images. I had a very quick realization about this when I met a model. Not to be mistaken, she is a beautiful woman, absolutely exquisite and her portfolio is nearly perfect. However, I had to do a double take when I met her in person because she has scar tissue around her chin and left ear that she sustained during an automobile accident.  When I questioned her about the lack of visibility of these scars on her print campaigns, she simply shrugged her shoulders and replied, “It’s the beauty of photo shop, I guess.” This is not a guess, but a statement of truth, one that many people particularly women fail to realize. 

Young girls pour over these fashion magazines and aspire to look, act and dress like the women that they see. Young girls are often naïve and are willing to go through extreme measures and plastic surgery procedures to obtain the look that they desire. Sadly, many of these girls and women never come to an emotional space where they are able to embrace their bodies. One of the most beautiful things that a woman can ever achieve during this lifetime is to own and love her body: adoring the nooks and crannies or enjoying the “lovely lady lumps” as one artist so aptly put it in song. 

Despite the current fixation with curvy body types, beauty can be found in all body types. There is something to be admired by slender, round, curvy, athletic and muscular body types. Sometimes it’s long luxurious legs, an ample bust line, curvaceous posterior or a sensual neckline. The point is, beauty comes in many different colors, shapes and sizes.  As a liberated 21st century renaissance woman, I hope that we can all come to an emotional space where we sincerely love the skin that we are in.

Please check out this documentary entitled "Miss Representation" it explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a beautiful woman.

Please share your thoughts or ideas about your struggle to embrace your body.

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